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Schumer to push for anti-terror funds in budget negotiations

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NEW YORK — Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer will push for $615 million in anti-terror funds as part of the March budget negotiations with incoming President Donald Trump’s administration, Schumer’s team told POLITICO on Monday.

The federal dollars from the Urban Area Security Initiative, or UASI, account — which is administered by FEMA — are necessary to protect New York City and Long Island, especially in light of the recent attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas, Schumer said.

“This amount will help New York City and the region tap federal dollars that help prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism,” the New York senator said in a statement. “Any effort to cut this anti-terror program, especially right now, cannot stand.”

UASI funds should also be used to secure Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration in Washington, said Schumer, who is expected to attend the event.